Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key

Next chapter done!

  1. Yoshi's Island Game
  2. Yoshi's Island Music
  3. Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Largo
  4. Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key West
  5. Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Largo
  6. Yoshi's Island Download
  7. Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Location

Enjoy! ;)

Lastly a note about saving. Super Mario World asked whether you wanted to save at the end of each Ghost House and Castle stage-not so in Yoshi's Island.Instead, this game saves automatically after you clear any stage. Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island here on GameSpot.

Chapter 11: The Gritzy Caves

'…AAAAAHHH! OOF!' Mario and Luigi hit the ground hard.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Tabs. Song Title Game/Anime. Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy / Crystal Cave (Medley) Guitar: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: JordanVS: 5. Training Course Guitar: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: hslesperance: 5.

'…AAAAAHHH! *boing!* *boing!*' Baby Mario and Baby Luigi bounced off of their adult selves' backs that softened their landings.

'At least our older selves softened our landings…' Baby Luigi remarked. 'Wait, our older selves?!'

They turned around and saw them lying unconscious on the ground.

'How come the adults are always the only ones who take forever to wake up?' Baby Mario questioned.

'That's a good question…' Baby Luigi replied.

Baby Mario walked towards Luigi and called out loud:


But Luigi wouldn't wake up.

'Hmm… Guess I have no choice.' Baby Mario took out his hammer and lifted it up. 'Sorry, Luigi…'

'BIG BRO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' Baby Luigi panicked.

Baby Mario swung his hammer and hit Luigi on the head:


'OWWWWWWWWCH!' Luigi shouted in pain as he jumped up into the air while holding on to his head.

'Yay! You're awake!' Baby Mario cheered.

'HEY! What's the big idea, little brat?! You didn't hit me in the head once, BUT TWICE?! I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS!' Luigi yelled in anger with steam coming out of his head.

However, Luigi really shouldn't have said those words: they made Baby Mario feel VERY heartbroken as tears appeared in his eyes and he started to cry…alongside Baby Luigi.

'WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!' Baby Mario and Baby Luigi wailed out loud.

'Huh?! Oh, nonononononono! I didn't mean to say that! I'm sorry!' Luigi quickly realized his mistake and apologizes, but the babies still wouldn't stop crying. Their crying also woke up Mario.

'Hm…? What's with the crying?' Mario groaned, until he eyed at the situation. 'HUH?'

'Eh? WAH! M-Mario?!' Luigi flinched when he saw Mario walking towards him with a cold expression.

'Luigi… Did you seriously made them cry?' Mario asked in a sternly tone.

'I… I-I didn't mean it! I swear!' Luigi put his hands up in defense while shaking his head. 'I-I just lost my temper! That's it!'

'Well, next time, learn to control it! Especially in front of the babies!' Mario growled.

'I'M SORRY!' Luigi burst into tears and kneels on the ground, crying.

'*sigh* oh, brother…' Mario sighed while shaking his head.

'Are the babies crying again?' Veronica came in.

'Oh, there you are, Veronica. And yes…they're crying again, as with Luigi.' Mario rolled his eyes at the last sentence.

'Alright, let me help them…' Veronica sighed and flew to the crying trio.

A few seconds of calming down later…

Once everyone was calm, Veronica placed the babies on Mario and Luigi's backs again and everyone looked around.

'Say, where are we? Is it some sort of an underground cave?' Mario asked, looking around.

'Yes, they are the Gritzy Caves, located under the desert.' Veronica answered.

The Gritzy Caves is a series of caverns directly beneath the whole desert, with bluish walls made of stone and a sandy floor. Vines and rock formations of Piranha Plants cover the walls of this dark and dim place, but there are also many openings in the ceiling, allowing light in.

'Wait…I just realized: where are Sonic, Tails and their younger selves?!' Luigi's eyes widened.

'What?! Oh, great… We're in the same situation that happened back at Baby Bowser's Castle.' Mario facepalmed. 'We have to find our way out and also find our friends…'

'The only difference is that Veronica is with us.' Baby Mario pointed out.

'But remember that Princess Peach got eaten by Petey Piranha, right? If this place is where he lives, then maybe we could find her here.' Veronica said.

'You have a point. Let's find everyone.' Mario told them.

There was a part where the adult brothers used their Bros Ball ability to reach a room where they heard a scream:


'That scream-!' Mario's eyes widened. '…was it from Kylie?!'

'Uh, Mario… What's coming out of the ground?!' Luigi noticed something emerging from the ground.

None other than Petey Piranha emerged out, startling the Mario Bros!

'MAMA MIA!' Mario and Luigi flinched.

'Hey! What's the big idea?! Unhand me, you clods!' Kylie shouted in anger.

The brothers looked up and saw Kylie tied up in a rope, with two Shroobs next to her; one of them was holding an axe.

'Ace timing, fellas! Boogie up here and cut me loose, will ya?!' Kylie demanded.

'How are we going to do that?!' Mario questioned.


'I got nothing! Just bust me out or I'm a snack, for sure!'

'But we got nothing too!'

'C'mon! We're pals, ain't we? I gave you the dirt on the secret entrance, didn't I? Now it's your turn to be good eggs, or it's curtains for me! C'mon! Hurry up and think of something!'

But too late; the Shroob holding the axe swung it at the rope, cutting it and letting Kylie fall.

Yoshi's Island Game

'YOOOOIKS!' Kylie screamed.

Petey opened his mouth and swallowed Kylie whole in front of Mario and Luigi's eyes.

'KYLIE! NO!' Luigi cried out.

Petey dug into the ground once again and the Shroobs left. Mario and Luigi are the only ones standing in this room.

'We better head back and tell everyone!' Mario said.

'Yeah, we should!' Luigi nodded and the brothers left the room.

After lots of walking, solving puzzles and dealing with Dark Boos, the Mario Bros and Veronica reached the deepest part of the caves, where they opened a large door, emerging in a wide room surrounded by pillars on the walls and stalagmites on the floor. At the middle of the room, there were Sonic, Tails and their younger selves!

'Look! There they are!' Mario exclaimed.

'Shhh!' Young Tails shushed. 'Petey Piranha might hear us!'

'Petey Piranha is here?' Mario whispered. Young Tails nodded.

'*sniff* uh oh… I think this area is excessively dusty! And I'm allergic to dust!' Luigi sniffled, speaking in a quiet voice.

'Luigi, don't do it! Try to hold it!' Sonic demanded quietly.

'I'm trying... A… A… A-A… ACHOOO!' no use; Luigi let out a loud sneeze, and suddenly, the place shook.

Something was coming from the middle of the room in the ground. Once it was fully emerged, it turned out to be…Petey Piranha!

'OH NO!' Young Tails shouted in horror.

Petey roared loudly at the heroes before leaping over them. Luckily, they stepped back so that Petey wouldn't crush them.

'Hurry! Let's hide behind those leaf-shaped spires!' Sonic directed everyone to the two leaf-shaped spires.

Mario, Sonic and Tails ran and hid behind the spire on the right along with their younger selves and Veronica, while Luigi and his younger self hid behind the left spire.

'Luigi! Come over here!' Mario called out.

'Right! I'm coming!' Luigi replied.

He began to sneak past Petey slowly to reach the spire on the right. However, Petey heard the noise of Luigi's footsteps and roared at him.

'CRUD!' Luigi startled and ran back to the left spire.

Petey then walked away from the middle of the room and looked around.

'Now, Luigi! It's your chance to come here!' Tails called.

'Alright!' Luigi replied and this time, he managed to join the others at the right spire. 'Yes! I did it!' he exclaimed. But someone was missing, though…

'Umm, Luigi… Where is Baby Luigi?' Veronica asked.

Yoshi's Island Music

'Eh?' Luigi raised an eyebrow, but not for too long because when he turned back…he saw Baby Luigi left alone at the left spire! 'OH NO! How could I have been so careless?!'

'What's even worse than this? THAT!' Sonic shouted while pointing when Petey jumped right in front of Baby Luigi.

'Uh oh…' Baby Luigi gulped.


'HEEEEEEEELP!' Baby Luigi screamed in panic as he runs away from Petey.

However, Petey leapt in front of Baby Luigi again, blocking his way to prevent him from escaping. Petey started to walk forward slowly, making Baby Luigi cry in fright:


'Uh oh! Hang on!' Luigi quickly rushed to his younger self.

'We'll distract Petey for you, Luigi! Hurry and calm your younger self!' Veronica told him as she and the rest of the heroes rushed to Petey to distract him.

'I'm here, me! Climb up!' Luigi said and Baby Luigi stopped crying and climbed on his back.

'Whew… Thanks.' Baby Luigi sighed in relief while thanking.

'Come on, everyone! Now let's take that oversized plant together!' Sonic demanded as the heroes stood in their fighting stances.

Petey did a few stomps and roared before flying into the air and slamming down the ground, creating an earthquake that caused some rocks from the ceiling to fall down at the heroes. Veronica stopped them with her magic and made them play in reverse to send the rocks back at the ceiling, fixing it.

'You know you should never try to damage the ceiling, or you'll also end up killing yourself.' Veronica warned.

Petey did another loud roar, only to be attacked by both Sonics' Spin Dashes and both Tailses' arm cannon blasts. The Mario Brothers, on the other hand, used a Fire Flower and shot fireballs at Petey, causing him to lose his body; only his head remained.

'That's it! Petey is vulnerable to fire and ice!' Mario concluded.

'Really? Then we should—WHOA!' Sonic was interrupted when Petey's head buried into the sand and created a sinksand hole to try to suck the heroes in.

'Keep jumping!' Luigi called out.

The heroes did a couple of jumps until Petey's head emerged out of the ground. Petey's head next spat out a Piranha Pest to attack the heroes.

'What the heck is that thing?' Young Sonic questioned.

'It's a Piranha Pest! Don't let its long tongue eat you, or you'll be shrunk by it!' Baby Mario explained. 'That's what the Yoshis told me!'

The Piranha Pest stretched its long tongue at the heroes to try and eat them, but Baby Mario and Baby Luigi whacked the tongue with their hammers before stomping on the Piranha Pest to defeat it.

'Now it's time! Burning Spin Dash!' Sonic did his Burning Spin Dash at Petey's head.

'Plasma Cannon: Ice Mode!' Tails fired ice chunks at Petey's head.

'And now… Another item for the Mario Brothers!' Veronica summoned an Ice Flower and tossed it into the air.

The Ice Flower dissolves and its particles fell over Mario, Luigi and their younger selves, changing their clothes to their Ice Flower appearances. The four charged their iceballs and shot them at Petey's head, and it finally exploded. Another Cobalt Shard and a familiar pink shell came out from the explosion as the adult and baby brother's clothes changed back to normal.

'The third Cobalt Shard!' Tails exclaimed as he picks it up.

Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Largo

'Hooray!' the baby brothers cheered.

'Just a few more shards left…' Veronica spoke silently in a somehow distressed tone.

'Is something wrong, Veronica?' Young Tails asked in concern.

'No… It's alright.' Veronica replied while smiling forcibly.

'Ow ow OW! I walloped my noggin but good. Hope my camera's not broken!' Kylie said once she got up.

'Kylie! You're okay!' Mario exclaimed.

'Hey! It's my whisker and animal boys! Did you KO that overgrown veggie?! Good deal! When that clown swallowed me down, I thought it was the big sleep, for sure!' Kylie then eyed at the Cobalt Shard. 'So give, fellas: did the big lug have that shard? Why, it's the bee's knees! Gaze at those sparkles long enough and you feel… YOIKS!' suddenly, she saw something that was probably frightening into the shard and backed off.

'Huh? What's the matter?' Mario asked.

'In-Inside that crystal… Someone was looking back at me, fellas!' Kylie shuddered.

'So she saw it… That's not good…' Veronica thought.

'…What are you talking about?' Sonic raised an eyebrow.

Kylie stood silent for a second before shaking her head and speaking playfully:

'Ha… Aha ha ha ha ha! I must be off my trolley… I need a quick snoozer.'

'Okay…then?' Young Sonic shrugged.

'Anyway, what gives, whiskers? What're you gonna do when you get all those baubles together? You're quite the motley crew…but you make for GOLD copy, no doubt about that! Good as you boys are, though, THIS dame's got a lead that'll top anything you've EVER done!'

Kylie then pulls out a large purple key with a Shroob's face on it, leaving everyone in shock.

'Whoa! What is that?!' Luigi asked while shocked. 'Did you get it by yourself?'

'That's right! I glommed onto a little Shroob property when the alien boneheads grabbed me! Ain't THAT a thing of beauty? I think it's a key to something inside the Shroob mother ship. Who knows what this beauty can do in the right keyhole? It's a mystery, all right… But you can bet your last mushroom it'll be a scoop to stop the presses, boys!' she then puts the key away.

Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key West

'Kylie, have you seen Princess Peach? After all, she was also eaten by Petey.' Mario asked.

'Hmm, believe it, fellas! Princess Peach was in there!' Kylie answered.

'She was?!' everyone except Kylie were surprised.

'But when I got ate, she got spit out lickety-split!'

'What?! Oh, come on! We lost her AGAIN?!' Sonic complained.

'Yeah, we were so close!' Young Sonic joined in.

'I was all set for an exclusive interview, too! Raspberries!' Kylie exclaimed as she took snaps of her camera at the heroes. 'I'm pretty sure she's still locked up in the caves somewhere. I suggest you fellas keep your peepers peeled for her!' she does a spin and strikes her pose. 'As for me, I'm gonna try and put that key to use! Which means it's time for me to say so long! Good luck, whiskers! I owe ya one!' she leaves.

Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Largo

'Guys, I think I'm getting the presence of Princess Peach somewhere in the caves.' Veronica said. 'She should be somewhere at the depths.'

'Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!' Mario exclaimed.

The rest nodded and ventured on.

They entered a room where there was a closed gate at the end. So the babies had to use Baby Drill to dig under another gate leading to a button. Taking out his hammer, Baby Mario pressed the button, and eventually, the main gate rose up.

'Mario?' suddenly, the babies heard Peach's voice from the other side of the gate. 'Could… Could it be? Is that you, Mario?'

'Peach? Peach! Are you there?' Baby Mario called out.

'*gasp* Mario! Help! MARIOOO!' Peach cried out. 'EEEEEEK!'

Just then, everyone flinched and gasped upon hearing Peach's scream.

'PEACH! OH NO!' Baby Mario shouted in worry.

'HURRY!' Mario shouted and directed everyone into the gate.

On the other side, they saw Princess Peach standing in the middle, facing away from our heroes.

'Princess! We came here to save you!' Mario told her as he and the other adults went to her.

The kids, on the other hand, went in front of Peach and got confused looks on their faces.

'Uh…is that normal?' Young Sonic questioned while tilting his head.

'What do you mean by that?' Sonic asked.

Then, Peach turned around…revealing a HUGE Shroob Mushroom attached to her face!

Yoshi's Island Download

'OH MY GOD!' everyone except Peach and the kids shouted in shock as Peach collapses on the ground.

'Mama mia…' Luigi fainted.

Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Location

'Well, then… We should go back to our time now. Could you take us and Princess Peach back, Veronica?' Mario asked.

'Sure.' Veronica nods and works on her magic.

To be continued…

Those scenes where Luigi accidentally made the babies cry and leave Baby Luigi alone were one of the most entertaining scenes in this game for sure! Poor Luigi...

Uh oh! What just happened to Princess Peach?! Find out in the next chapter! Please review.